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Over the years, many of us have turned to dear old dad time and time again for his knowledge and wisdom; which may be why it’s no surprise Dad thinks he’s king of the I.T. castle. However, a recent study conducted on behalf of TeamViewer reveals that while 93 percent of Dads think they are their household’s Chief Technology Officer, only 23 percent of his family members say the same. Forty-two percent of family members say it’s the son or grandson while 11 percent report it’s the daughter or granddaughter. On the contrary, a tracking study conducted by Motorola reports that “high percentages of Americans—across multiple generations—are using media and mobile technology.” In short, the generation gap as it relates to technology use is shrinking. Grandma, grandpa, mom and dad are often just as savvy, if not more so, than their children. Why the disparity in research data then? Perception versus reality. What’s the perception and reality in your home?

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