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The New Year has arrived and you’ve had some time to settle in and review that list of goals and get your plan in action. With that said, there is no better time to refresh and update your home. With this New Year comes a desire for change, a fresh start, and maybe even reinventing yourself OR your home. We have put together a list of the top 5 ways you can update your house and add new technology for 2014.

1. Install new shades. Maybe you aren’t ready to take the plunge into automating your whole home, and that’s okay! You can add ease and style to your life and home by simply updating your shades. 2014 is the year of maximizing your time, and accomplishing all those goals.Having to stop what you’re doing and walk through the room to lower or raise your shades is only wasting time. With a new set of Lutron shades, we can program them to close with a touch of a button, or open with a touch of a button. We can also program them to rise with the sun and set with the sun. The potential is endless! Oh, and, Lutron has an exuberant amount of fabrics to choose from to keep your rooms fresh and stylish!

  2. Update your lighting system. Are you still stuck on the old individual light switch method? Well, installing a Lutron lighting system can drastically change the ascetics and mood of your home. Instead of walking around your large house before guests arrive, scrambling to  turn lights on and off, you can  enjoy the simplicity of one light switch in your kitchen programmed to the “prep lighting”  “Guest lighting” “Dinner lighting” “after dinner lighting” and more! Set the right mood, and create the perfect ambiance for every occasion with your new lighting system.

3. Add a home sound system. Maybe you’re looking for a small change to add some life to your house. Have you considered installing a whole home speaker system? We can install in ceiling speakers into every room you choose.  Forget about that pesky boom box and with a click of a button turn on the smooth sound of Barry White in your bedroom for a relaxing evening, or maybe a little black eyed peas to get the party started on the patio, or tune into Michael Buble while you prepare dinner. The options are endless!

4. Install a hidden kitchen T.V. Looking to take your cooking experience to the next level? Maybe you want to watch Rachel Ray or Giada while you prepare your evening meal. It’s time to install a hidden t.v. We all love to enjoy our technology but sometimes you want to keep it out of sight. Or maybe you would love a new TV in your bedroom to slip quietly under the bed, or perhaps a big scree T.V that fits neatly above the fireplace and out of sight. Hidden technology is the way to go!

5. Install a whole home control system. If you’re looking for something a little more drastic, maybe it’s time you consider installing a whole home control system. This will add extreme ease and comfort to you life. Automation is not just for the 007s of the world, it can be a dramatic life style improvement. You can control all your home lighting, shades, audio, and video from your IPad or an in wall touch panel. You can view who’s at the front door on your iPad while you relax in the back yard, turn on your lights in the house before you even exit your car, or even receive an alert that your oven has reached optimal temperature while you work out.
As you can see, the opportunities are endless, improve your lifestyle by adding a bit of new technology to your home!
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